Combination of Chinese Calligraphy with NiXing Earth Ware; Application of Far Infrared Heating Technology in Oven to Dry Unfired Pottery and Sand Core 从坭兴陶刻字看书法与陶瓷结合之路远红外加热技术在坭芯和砂芯烘干炉中的应用
The combination of convection and radiation heating and the symmetrical design of the oven ensure a highly accurate temperature control. 对流传送和辐射加热以及烤箱的对称设计的完美组合,确保高精度的温控。
Application of the Roots Pump and Oil Ring Pump Combination System in Vacuum Induction Oven 罗茨油环机组在真空感应炉上的应用
The paper introduced the solving measures for jam of gas nozzle and filter after the fuels of coke oven gas in the limekiln is replaced by converter gas or combination gas of blast furnace and coke oven gas. 简述了活性石灰竖窑所用煤气,由焦炉煤气改为转炉煤气或高炉焦炉混合煤气(备用)后,煤气喷嘴和过滤器经常堵塞的解决方案。
The new combination of the microwave oven and the azeotropic rectification water separator equipment can solve the problem. 本文利用微波加热与共沸精馏分水的组合构成了新的微波酯化反应装置,该装置较好地解决了反应快但是分水慢的问题。